Tuesday, September 15, 2015

No TV Tuesday!

This morning, for no particular reason, I wanted to watch TV while I drank my coffee. Usually this isn't a problem because I watch PBS kids cartoons along with Owen and Jase. But this morning I didn't feel like watching kids' shows and it was met with much resistance. Owen was just about crying when I wouldn't put an 'Owen show' on and Jase was just confused. Instead of getting upset, I let the boys know that since we couldn't agree on what to watch, there would be no TV for anyone today. Owen was immediately upset (a sign that he really should watch less tv!) and I reassured him that we would have more fun without the TV anyway!
..and mommy was right! We spent the morning coloring, playing playdoh and modeling foam, and playing together in the play room. When it was time for Jase's nap, Owen and I listened to music, danced and read some books. Once Jase woke we had some lunch, ran an errand and then landed at one of our favorite places: Baughers Orchard! We went into the store, got some apples and then played the day away! The boys love playing there and seeing the animals at the petting zoo. Jase loves to swing on the toddler swing as well as climb all around and follow his brother. 
All in all it was a great day- without TV! They were both so well behaved, its amazing how TV really rots their little brains. I've never let them watch too much TV but lately I've been letting them watch more and more so I can get 'stuff done' around the house.  Today reminded me that I should really spend more time with them and less worrying about what chores need to be done. There's always going to be dishes to wash, laundry to fold, and shelves to dust, but these boys won't be little forever. They won't always want to play with me, to color with me, or to hold my hand. At the end of the day (or the beginning) I need to remember that I am here for them, and they are here for me, right now. Those dishes can wait.

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